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"The Divine Feminine is the matrix of all Creation.

It is not limited to the architecture of the flash and bones,

the femininity of the soft curves and the vibration of the Sacred Geometry,

but a woman sculpted by the hands of Infinite Intelligence.

The Echo of the Source.".


Paola Luciani Fulbright

the deaf skyf3.jpg


devinefemfb2 copy.jpg

symphonic colors of life



beauty within

Venus' Abyss

Divine Feminine





The Divine Feminine is the matrix of all Creation. It is not limited to the architecture of the flesh and bone, the femininity of the soft curves and the vibration of the sacred geometry but an ethereal  being sculpted by the hands of Infinite Intelligence, “ The Echo of the Source.”


The Feminine principle is the origin of our connection to  Creation, and is the embodiment of a deeply held interrelation to Nature, to “Mother Earth”. Connecting with the Divine Feminine doesn’t mean that a man will be less of a man, but rather he will become more cognizant of the feminine side that we all encompass.


Make no mistake, the "Divine Feminine" is in no way a "women only" concept. We all have masculine and feminine energy within us. It is this duality force that exists in everything, represented by energies  known as Shiva and Shakti, Yin and Yang, Ida and Pingala, Darkness and Light, Severity and Mercy, Moon and Sun just to name a few. 


With this you know that the left side of the body relates to the feminine and the right side, the masculine. 


The Feminine energy is what awakens the Divine Masculine, which knows that she exists within him, as he exist within her. He is aware that without her being in her true position of power, humanity will not be able to survive. He is not threatened by her power because they are a team.


She is the force of love and unity that flows within our collective and individual psyche, regardless of our gender. She is the spirit of life and the very fabric of our existence. She is the voice of our  immense insight, embodying the qualities of wisdom, love, intuition, understanding and compassion. She is the healer of our wounds and the destroyer of all illusions. She is the womb where we came into existence.


The Divine Feminine is the  essence of our living world and the mystery of Creation. The simple and primordial Truth that carries the seed of transformation. Elements all swirling forces that exist within, mixing with the power of Spirit in full connection with the Highest Consciousness. The Divine Feminine is the God/ess; the Spirit within the self and others, living in Union with the Sacred Beauty of Creation.


The Sacred Feminine principle belongs to all of us. It is that force that draws us into the depths within ourselves, and the mysteries of our  Soul.

For countless millennia, the potential for human consciousness was hidden within nature, like a seed buried in the soil. In the deep meanderings of our mind is the whole experience of life on this planet.


The evolution over the four and a half billion years since its formation sees us witnesses of life, as we carry within ourselves DNA  denoting every aspect of Creation. From the most minute particles of matter to the sacred Elements, from life as hydrogen, oxygen and carbon to rocks, soil, plants, and animals. Life as woman and man has evolved from this aeonic experience, but most are not aware of their potential, as they still in the form of that seed hidden in the soil.



For so long we’ve lost touch with the sacredness of the Earth and its many forms of life. We are slowly becoming conscious of this imbalance and the danger caused by the rejection of the Goddess in all of us.


Developing a harmonious relationship of “inner” masculine and feminine is humanity’s evolutionary challenge and a process of spiritual advancement. It is through the integration and harmonization of one’s inner masculine and feminine that we reach true awakening.



Paola Luciani Fulbright

 Copyright - Lvciani Art Studio. No reprint without permission. All Rights Reserved.
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