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the deaf skyf3.jpg

Oil on canvas  48"x 32" (120x80)

 Copyright - Paola Luciani Fulbright. No reprint without permission. All Rights Reserved.
The Deaf Sky

Each one of us, at one time or another, in this lifetime, asked for divine help. We constantly send messages to the Universe hoping for quick answers, but ending wondering why we didn't receive the response we expected to hear. Countless people practice affirmations every day using the Law of attraction and when they don't see results, they are disheartened and question what they are doing wrong. Even though a creation may take longer to fully manifest, we can know we are on the right track, simply by paying attention.

We are receiving signs that our magick is working, but the problem is, that most people don’t respond to the signs—because they don’t realize they are signs. Or worse, they respond negatively, which flows energy towards what they don’t want. So, the first step to understanding signs and responding to them positively is to recognize how they look like.

At times we feel like the Universe is trying to say something, but we just don’t understand the message and so we find ourselves seeking endlessly for answers… This constant wondering is because we are NOT fully aware of the “Language” of the Universe, and until we learn how to remove this barrier we are not able to recognize the messages or realizations.

The truth is that sometimes we are too busy to really see the world around us. It’s all too easy to spend our time living in our heads and not connecting with the wonder of the world in which we live. Often we don’t realize how much beauty surrounds us or even how beautiful we truly are, because of the world’s expectations. 

Life is mostly made of patterns and many of us live according to a socially acceptable template within the realm of safety while living repetitively and dreaming of ways to escape. Boredom due to routine is a creation of the mind. In reality, there are no ordinary moments if we recognize that our existence is one of the extraordinary moments of creation. 

We’re so busy talking to ourselves and to each other, that we forget how to truly listen and observe. In order to become intimate with life, with creation, we need to really be more attentive, and observe and recognize the essence of our own existence. Slow down just be aware of yourself and your surroundings and look at things with different eyes. The answers are there!
We’re living in a world of abstractions about reality; words that describe, label, and categorize things. This can be a wonderful tool to organize and communicate, but it can also be a curse when it gets out of control. In order to become intimate with life, and with creation, we need to really listen and observe. The first step is to slow down and just be aware of yourself and your surroundings and to look at things with different eyes.


Stop doing what you are doing for a moment, even reading this article. Just be still, cast aside any distractions, and truly appreciate your own existence. Pay attention, and start to notice that we are constantly surrounded by miracles.  Often we do not recognize them because they come to us so gracefully and seamlessly, that often we miss them because of our disconnection with creation. When you allow yourself to shift to this humble state, you'll be amazed at what opens up for you.

Opening our senses is a matter of viewing ourselves as a marvelous creation and seeing life in any form as a precious and beautiful gift. It’s letting go of all our resistance to the flow of life and the flow of circumstances.

This practice will open the veils between worlds. Every day, keep opening your perception to see the potential in everything. I know it is not an easy task to accomplish, since humans have the ability to make things ugly, but in order to consciously appreciate your existence on this amazing planet and live a full life, seek the things that make your heart smile, your soul sing, your spirit content and your mind fulfilled.

Remember that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. And as such, the most enlightened thing you can do is accept yourself wholly and completely, while learning the language of the universe knowing that the sky is not deaf.

Cultivate a true desire to hear from the universe. Be willing to accept the answers no matter how or through whom they come. You may receive your answers from a stranger, an unlikely source, a random occurrence, or even a billboard. The possibilities are endless. However, you must truly seek it out before it will be revealed to you.


Paola Luciani Fulbright

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions

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